Zhoukou Normal University

4 Tahun


Language of Instruction

Informasi Selengkapnya

Bachelor Taught in English :

  1. International Economics and Trade
  2. Chinese International Education

Scholarship Covers :

  1. Full Tuition Fees Free
  2. Full Accommodation Fees Free
  3. Monthly Stipend 500 NY/Month

Others Fees Need to pay to the University after coming to the University::

  1. Resident Permit: 400CNY/Year
  2. Medical Insurance Fees : 800 CNY/Year
  3. Medical Check Up : 420 – 500 CNY (only for 1st year)

Document :

  1. Passport
  2. Photo
  3. High School Certificate and Transcript
  4. Chinese Proficiency Certificate (HSK) Level-4 or above
  5. Non Criminal Record
  6. Medical Health Check Up
  7. Study Plan
  8. Two Recommendation Letter
  9. Resume

Deadline: May 15th, 2024. Class will be started from September 2024.