Shanxi University

4 Tahun

Taiyuan City

Language of Instruction

Informasi Selengkapnya

Bachelor Degree Major

  1. Chinese Literature and Culture
  2. International Economics and Trade
  3. Computer Science & Technology
  4. Business Administration
  5. Biological Technology
  6. Mineral Processing Engineering
  7. Biomedical Engineering
  8. Biological Science
  9. International Relationship
  10. Law
  11. Administrative Management
  12. Chemical Engineering & Technology
  13. Applied Chemistry
  14. Environmental Design
  15. New Energy Science & Technology
  16. Math and Applied Mathematics
  17. Statistics
  18. Sports Training
  19. Chinese Language and Literature
  20. Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering
  21. Applied Physics
  22. Medical Laboratory Technology
  23. Information Security
  24. Bioengineering


  1. Free Tuition Fees
  2. Free Accommodation Fees
  3. Monthly Stipend 750 CNY / Month


  1. Passport
  2. Photo
  3. Bachelor Degree Certificate and Transcript
  4. Chinese Language Proficiency Certificate(HSK) Level-5 above
  5. Two Recommendation Letters from professors or Associate professors
  6. Study Plan
  7. Medical Certificate
  8. Bank Statement
  9. Application Form

Deadline : July 15, 2023. Class will be started from September 2023.